Collage by emgraceee


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dxmn 🫣 you look really good emily
honeyyy sorry i didn’t know you’d be waiting for me :/ after work i passed out. i had such a long day. i’m here now if you want to come over. i’d love to hold you
why was your day so bad? is everything okay?
okay the doors unlocked:)
*gets out of bed and goes downstairs waiting for you*
*opens the door when i hear you pull up and holds my arms out for you* come here
*wraps my arms around you and kisses the top of your head* i got you
*rubs your back gently and keeps my arms tight around you* do you wanna go lay in bed? or i can hold you on the couch
*smiles gently and pulls away to sit down on the couch holding my arms out for you after grabbing a blanket*
*wraps my arms around you and holds you gently kissing on your face*
*smiles and leans back watching you* yes?
*smiles and pecks your lips as i rub your side* thank you honey
*reaches my hand around holding your axx as you kiss me*
*squeezes your axx and kisses you deeply* mm
*smiles and pulls away gently keeping your body against mine* i won’t lie i want you so badly
*nods and kisses your face gently* i don’t want you feeling that way
we can take things slow *smiles gently and holds you* i don’t want you feeling like i’m using you at all
*nods and kisses your lips before taking off my shirt*
*laughs gently and rubs your thighs* wanna get lunch today?
*nods and pecks your lips rubbing your inner thigh* i’m off today so i’ll just work around your schedule
i’m off tomorrow and i work in the morning on tuesday. wednesdays i’m never free 🫠
*kisses you gently* of course we have opposite schedules
*rubs your leg again and smiles*
*smiles down at your thigh and traces my name on it*
*draws a heart and your name smiling*
*looks up at you* who’s calling you a cxnt? and cussing you out?
baby *frowns gently and watches you* why’d he say all those things?
dxmn he sounds like a shxxty guy anyway *rubs your side*
are you sure? *smiles gently*
*nods and kisses you*
*nods and smiles* you lead the way ma’am
you act like you haven’t been here *laughs and stands up taking your hand*
*smiles and walks upstairs to my room* sorry it’s a mess in here right now
*laughs and nods* it’s just kind of gross rn *lays down in bed with you*
*pulls you next to me and smiles*
*smiles and looks down at you watching*
*smirks a bit and stays propped up on my elbows watching you*
*chews on my lip watching you*
*sits up and kisses your lips*
*rubs your cheek and smiles *
pretty baby *smiles and looks in your eyes*
noooo :( i’ll see you when you get off
nooo how’s work so far?
no way that’s actually so cool :)
that would be a nice switch up every now and then
how much longer till your off?
bruhhh i wanna see you already
can i plan a date? or will you be too tired after work?
you can wear whatever you’d like :) i’ll pick you up
it’s been two hours 😩
finally! i’ve been waiting for this text. i’ll be on my way ma’am
i’m parked up front :)
*smiles and gets out when i see you* you look sexy af in your scrubs
*smiles and pulls you in hugging you* i didn’t know what to do with myself today
*laughs and kisses on your face* i got something pretty fun planned
yeah you do *smiles and opens the door more for you to get in*
sorryyy *closes your door and goes around getting in on my side*
*smiles and buckles again* i hope you are hungry
no worries :) how’d you sleep
same :/ i wanna go back to sleep
yeah go for it :)
you wanna come over? or i can come there?
you came to me yesterday so i’ll come to you
not yet :) *grabs my keys and heads out to my truck*
were you gonna make something? i can pick something up on the way?
hahha it’s up to you *drives*
sounds good *smiles and parks in your driveway* i’m okay with any type of breakfast sandwich
yeah i’m walking in now. a sausage egg and cheese bagel is good
i’m coming honey *smiles and walks upstairs going in your room*
*smiles and slides my sweatshirt off before crawling into bed on top of you* mm i missed you
*kisses on your face and neck as i hover over you*
*kisses up to your lips and smiles*
*kisses your lips deeply as i cup your cheek*
*pulls away and smiles* you wanna stay the night tonight?
i wanna wake up to you in the morning *smirks a little and watches your face*
cause i think you are beautiful *smiles and pecks your lips* and i’m in love with you
*smiles nodding* then it’s set i’ll sleep here or you can sleep at mine
*smiles and sits up a little so you can easily take it off i
i’m not *shakes my head smiling down at you as i take mine off*
*smiles nodding and lays back down on you kissing your neck again*
*smiles and whispers against your neck* i love you more
*keeps my arms around you* i wanna stay like this all day
*pecks your lips and smiles* what time do you work?
that’s not too terrible *nods and rubs your cheek*
*runs my fingers through your hair* i can pick you up again? maybe a redo on the date i had planned
it’s seriously fine *smiles shaking my head* i fell asleep on you that other night
no worries :) i love you. will you be on tomorrow?
you’re a busy lady hahha i work in the morning until like 11
I wanna party
alll you got to say is a word
shiiii I gotta confess when I get drunk I do like to kiss 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😂
stoppp it Embarrassed noooo I love it 🤫
that’s so true haha
good for you :) i’m not surprised you’re hot af
oooo def need too
lol i wish you were in my bed 🥺
you’re okay honey. i get you need sleep :)
wake uppp i wanted to see you before i work