Collab with my bestie...
Audrey!!! (AddictedToVolleyball). I did background and quote and she did text.
QOTD: Do you have to take mid terms? 
AOTD: Yes😭, but they are not until January.


Collab with my bestie... Audrey!!! (AddictedToVolleyball). I did background and quote and she did text. QOTD: Do you have to take mid terms? AOTD: Yes😭, but they are not until January.

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aotd: ummm well... not really
yeah we have odd tests through the year and we have end of year exams. they are stressful but not that
STUNNING! Both of you! AOTD: yep 🙄
aotd: I occasionally have pre tests then I have one big end of the year test 🙄
I love how this came out 😻♥️
I might just post it without the filter :)
well actually idk 😂
it looks good both ways so idk how to post it! 😂
whatever I’ll just post it with the filter 😂😂
wait never mind I’m posting without the filter 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
ikr!! 🙌🏼👏🏼
I always do that 😂 that’s just how I talk out loud so when I type I do the same thing 😂😂
YASSSS!!! I Want to Write You A Song is so good! it makes me emotional sometimes because it just seems like an emotional song 😂😂
oh I am sooooo into 1D 😂 I think it’s a little unhealthy at this point lol
it does now that I think about it! I’ve never thought of it that way 🤔
it sort of has the same vibes of like Back To December or something
oh trust me, 1D is a boyband, but they aren’t as annoying or “boybandish” as Backstreet Boys or NSync or something 😂😂
ooh yeah Begin Again is another that is similar
I think if I hadn’t really known 1D but I was going to start listening to them, I would start by listening to FOUR or Made In The A.M. because those 2 albums have the most similar sound to Tay
ewwww BTS & BSB??? 🤮🤮
haha okay :))
your teacher is weird 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
omg wow 😂😂😂😂
ooh that is a great idea!!
let me go read some lyrics brb 😂
hi! just to clarify, all rounds are individually done, unless I say so. I’m sorry for the confusion!
yeah I’m fine with it! are you making it?
oh wait duh you just said that 😂🤦🏼‍♀️
okay! bye! ♥️
can I get one with a tumblr girl and rainbow ombré text and triangles or a cool design?? yusm😘
it’s going great I’m watching Netflix
wow ouch I feel u
only sports in gym class lol and I suck at them tbh I’m the worst at sports hbu?
Hello!! Want to be besties? I really love your account ❤️❤️
im good u?
i dont wanna say my name on this, i think ill go by Esme or something 😂
I’m Kaelye, what’s your name?
I don’t count it as a sport I count it as performing arts and that’s amazing
and tennis too? ur so talented!!
I’ve always been scared to play tennis because of the tennis ball
ive never played but I feel like I’d I did I’d get hit in the face 😫😫😂
I have been in pc for 3 months
Want to collab?
heyo u need to remix ur collage for my mega collab before December 20 or I will replace u ty!!
ur right
but yeah
idk why
I used to be scared but if I play I’ll like
but my favorite sport is badminton are u good at that too?
I'm good how are you?
oh ok I love that sport
thank you! ♥️
ooh isn’t that chocolate? i agree that it’s really good 🙌🏼
I’m good :))) wbu?
travel games round 3 and results are out!!! enter soon bc it ends December 9
I saw your comment on Audrey’s acc, YOU HAD A SNOW DAYYYYY
we never get them (that’s a complete lie😂) we had 2 days of and that was it.