Why can't I just die


Why can't I just die

157 70
I feel the same way everyday love
so not true
hey stephfountain me again. soz I haven't been on for sooooooo long! just wanted to see how you were doing and I miss chatting to u - hope u r okay but judging by this collage, well? please no that that's not true and ilysm xx
Please please just know that there is no reason in the world ever to want to die. wen your having hard times just know that there r people out there who care! please know that you aren't worthless and that u r important! you may feel that you aren't sometimes, but deep in your heart, know that people DO care - coz I do! lyssssssssm 💕 xx stay strong xx
please stephfountain, just listen to me; there's no reason for anyone in this world to die. NEVER GIVE UP ON HOPE! even if u think nobody cares, look at how many followers u have! I care for u and all ur followers do too. you've got ur family and friends and they all think ur important! Ilyssssssssssssssm 😘❤️ stay strong! never give up! xxx
I'm sure that if I got to know you....you would be worth saving if it meant sacrificing myself...❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
no wrong me
u just want attention
Fancy4infinity shut up, some people just need love and support, why do you have to take stupid guesses and say he wants attention? Maybe he does, but so do you, and me, and everybody, because we're humans
don't believe these things not everyone is perfect
believe😃 cause sometimes you just got stop and think everythings gonna be all right ❤️