I'm a mistake that should of never came into this world......


I'm a mistake that should of never came into this world......

12 0
no one is a mistake..everyone...everyone has a special reason to be here
Don't say that about your self
I can't
... y r we just putting dots?
I have no idea!! 😂 lol
I'm so freaking tired
me too
no it's like 10 till 4 am and my friend is keeping me up
right now it's 3:54 am
we must not live that far apart then
what state do u live in
sorry I call it pa
oh cool I live in South Carolina
I was just there for vacation
cool for thanksgiving
yah pluse to get out of school to have a break
my iPad is on 7%
my iPads on 22%
middle school sucks
I know
man I want to walk home at the moment
where are you at
my friend place
nah not cool she keeps snoring
hahahaha lol o feel so bad for you lol
I tried to wake her up and say to shut up but she is still sleeping
u know ur really cool
nah not in real life
yea u are
trust me on this I'm not I have like 1 friend outside of the screen
lol I bet u have more
I don't
but seriously I don't have friends like that 😕
ok if u say do
so not do
I always get picked on at school I'm nothing like u said
I do too
I was crying on the bus like 2 weeks ago
aww I'm so sorry baby
u ok
what is wrong
let's see there's a list of thing ps wrong
tell me
rumors yelling oh and in 5th grade I told my teacher I through up in the bathroom so I could go home! want more?
baby u can tell me everything
stop calling me baby
I'm a girl I don't like u like that
ik I don't like being called that from my past
aww what happened
ummm lets just say rumors about my name and people switching the letters around
aww sorry
they spread through the school that and it just faded away
I barley know u, u practically know me
what do u mean
every story is about me and all u say is aww or sorry
lol I have nothing to say
well just say something enything
unicorns ate my waffles
okay then
lol sorry
don't be array
I'm weird
it would be funny if we ever met
uh definitely!!!!!
lol can we go to remixes so my iPad stops glitching
sure remix this college