Any story ideas? I'll make it a long one!


Any story ideas? I'll make it a long one!

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rarity's dramatic day. about when she lost every fabric and jewellery...?
something to do with discord
applejack finds a Guinea pig
twilight goes insane and tries to take over the WORLD!!!
what about applejack?
How pinkie pie became so happy
or a diary entry of a pony during a war or a famin????
can u make a story about my oc? i dont have any ideas but um if i like it I'll use it but give cradit cuz u made it or helped me soo what??? but plz can u make my backstory for Eva. thanks!
ill think about it after i make the one about rarity
The Return of Chaos: Discord Reigns: it's about how discord becomes evil with chaos again idk
Um you could maybe write one about the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting lost in the woods?
StampyLongNose has a bad dream about cake not existing.