Newest challenge !! 
Also role-play with the new characters
Get more points


Tap! Newest challenge !! Also role-play with the new characters Get more points

11 6
can we role play? I’m bored rn haha
you can in class and on any/every post! class is in the comments of the teachers info posts you will see them when you scroll down
cara: walks in nervously. she is worried because she isn’t good in weaponry. she’s a good two shoes.
cara: mumbles “what if they don’t accept me for who I am..”
Brody: aw cara don’t worry you should befriend Celesta she is our age and is very nice
cara: thanks Brody.. you’re really nice. (blushes)
cara: walks away.. wondering if he’ll follow. she didn’t know what came over her. he was cute, that’s for
sure. but she just didn’t know why she was so drawn to him.
she was never like that. she never had been. she was guessing he was cute AND kind. most boys aren’t
like that.
(out of character) (is anyone actually on haha I’m bored sooo 😂)
cara: whisks through halls. is afraid to be noticed. Brody was nice,but her liking him made things awkward
(ps sorry if I’m spamming you im bored like i said haha and I’m not sure what your time zone is)
(my time zone is EST USA. it is 5:53 rn.)
is ok
you get more points
celesta: hey CARA :)) I'm celesta- nice to meet u. I'd love to be friends ❤️❤️
cara: hey Celesta
I got logged of my old account
it’s pastalarigrande
so you made a new account?
celesta: how is t being new here??
Malory: * stares at new girl and thinks if she is good or evil*