Mark really calms me down when I feel awful. Sometimes I'll play one of his videos before I go to sleep(which may sound weird bc of his yelling😂) but his voice just makes me feel so much better.


Mark really calms me down when I feel awful. Sometimes I'll play one of his videos before I go to sleep(which may sound weird bc of his yelling😂) but his voice just makes me feel so much better.

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He does have a really soothing voice... despite his constant screaming and swearing! 😄 A-M-A-Z-I-N-G edit, too! Everything goes together so well!
re: How did I not know Phil's birthday is tomorrow? 😑 What kind of *new* fangirl am I?
re: NOOO!!! I disappointed my inspiration on PC, MY LIFE IS RUINED!!! 😩