Collage by vengance


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this is literally perfect 🥹 and you even did pink, one of my favorite colors
hiii :)
*smiles as I look at you for a moment before I sit down, tucking my hair behind my ear as I look up to meet your gaze* I never thought you would.. you seem very nice little star :)
miss you sienna 🩷
sienna!!!! :)
I missed you!
go right ahead :) *smiles and moves my hair away from my face, blushing softly* what kind of look are you going for? :)
*smiles and looks up at you, trying to stay extra still and blushes softly at you* maybe something.. ethereal? I wanna look like I kissed a fairy :)
why don’t you tell me a bit about you? *smiles and looks up at your eyes as I try to stay still for you* I haven’t gotten my makeup done by someone else in a awhile :)
*smiles and shrugs as I look up at your eyes* whatever you feel safe to tell me or think I should know about you :) I do hope you’ll talk about your passions sienna 🩵 just so I know what’s important to you zeh
you have a pet gecko? oh my goodness- *smiles wide and tries to stay still* that’s so interesting, I’ve never met someone with a gecko :) wellll my name is Ophelia vallow, I’m 21 years old anddd I have a pet cat named sunshine :) she’s such a sweetheart. I also really enjoy journaling tooo
I’m also in university to become an elementary teacher :)
that’s such a cute name for a gecko 🥹 *smiles wide and looks up at the ceiling when you apply the concealer* I just want to make an impact on the kids I teach, to let them be themselves and to have a great time, with great memories :) I love kids, do you?
heyyy white swan :)
hiiii I missed you :)
I’m just studying right now :) and awww you did? that’s so good to know 🩷
ohhh what are you studying? :)
so am I :)
I’m learning about childhood development :)
hiii white swan 🦢