Hey Internet! I have been thinking. Now that I follow over 2000 people it's gotten kinda crazy! So... I wanna know how should I limit my following! I'm not saying I don't wanna follow all of you lovely people but it's kind hard dealing with it.  I still l


Hey Internet! I have been thinking. Now that I follow over 2000 people it's gotten kinda crazy! So... I wanna know how should I limit my following! I'm not saying I don't wanna follow all of you lovely people but it's kind hard dealing with it. I still l

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maybe you could write down a list of names that you do want to follow and just check their accounts daily(or when you want to) instead of your feed always being clumped up, I hope this somehow helps๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•
chooses one follower every day and follow there followers
those are both really good ideas
Just follow your own followers!