Sorry if your eliminated. It is what it is


Sorry if your eliminated. It is what it is

64 32
That's rude. You signed up for the games so if something happens you have to take it. If you block her it's your loss. She's a great friend.
awk_sprinkles yes, your outfit was cool, but you didn't follow the rules so you have no reason to get mad at her
does it have to be all blue or just like a shirt? and can we use a backpack instead of a purse?
I entered in time!!!!
you said one more day left and I entered before the next twenty four hours!!!!
I feel like I failed this timeπŸ˜‚
@Awk_Sprinkles, why would you block GurlyOutfits, that's your own opinion that your outfit is awesome and if you get eliminated, get over it, there's no reason to be mad at anyone
@Kikwis, I totally agree!! I HATE people who don't go thru or win and complain about it. they could at least be thankful they could enter a contest in the first place!
@_PepperMint_ you definitely didn't fail πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ your outfit is great ☺️
sorry it's kinda fancy but that's kinda what I wear on a normal basis 😁
You could of just said who was eliminated and not point out if they were bad or not, it could hurt some feelings. Still sorry about not entering, just didn't have enough time on my hands πŸ˜‹
It's fine, just giving a suggestion, it's your account you can do whatever you want with it. πŸ˜„ Still going to continue to support you! xoxo
ok sounds good πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜…
yeah I also agree, it was a little rude to say she has the worst score, but I also think awk-sprinkles should've followed the rules (:
an you please,for future reference, please tell us when you have posted a new challenge or else I will have no idea if you posted πŸ˜