put some school life hacks in the comments bc i need some

ill put some in the commentd as well


put some school life hacks in the comments bc i need some ill put some in the commentd as well

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use a clothing pin to keep your earphones from tangling
in 6th-12th grade, you don't need to buy every single thing on the school supply list (you can just be a hobo and ask the teacher for supplies)
All you need for middle school is a folder, notebook paper, scissors (if you want ones that aren't the size of a four year olds hand) glue, and LOTS of pencils
thank you.
I bought everything on the supplies list in middle school and had eight pounds of backpack
I wrap my earbuds around my four fingers until there's just a little bit of the cord left and I wrap that around the other way then tuck it in do it stays
if that makes any sense whatsoever
Keep a catch-all folder for homework and when you need to pack up stuff quickly
use a planner!!!! it's so important and it's the reason i get good grades
i'm bad at this one but don't procrastinate
instead of getting a binder for each class, try using a 12 pocked folder (only if you're able to keep it organized because some people may not be able to based on their learning style and organizational preferences)
yes planners are AMAZING!!!! and don't let anyone borrow your pens or pencils bc they'll never be returned and you'll end up with like two or three writing things that won't last you forever
on the other hand, don't buy five billion pens and pencils. get a few good ones and keep them, they'll last long and serve you well
if u want to listen to music in school get an MP3 and hide it in ya hand (idk if this works tho)