take a mental health day when you can! this something i’m working on, just normal hygiene and self-care. somedays it may be a challenge so take that time to take care of yourself! it’s okay to have bad days, just keep going and know that better things are


take a mental health day when you can! this something i’m working on, just normal hygiene and self-care. somedays it may be a challenge so take that time to take care of yourself! it’s okay to have bad days, just keep going and know that better things are

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thank you so much! I absolutely adore this account!
thx so much gurl ur so encouraging...btw didn’t kill myself that weekend my mum knew better
thank you:)) i do have things to rant about sometimes so maybe i’ll talk with you sometime haha:) thanks for all the kindness and support💛
yeah, I’m absolutely going to use these things when I’m stressed out
that’s what I do when I am stressed out or depressed