Miss bae honestly


Miss bae honestly

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Even tho i seen u like more then an hour ago
lol well I dunno honestly
Lol ok babe i need to stop smokin lol like for real
Sorry for changing the subjects
its fine babe... u probs should honestly but do wutever u feel like ig
Lol its kinda sad that even tho u admitt to it LMMFAO
welll ima not explain my reasoning behind it tbh oml
Lol babe just say it lol i wont get afended
sure about that? nah ima not but yea
Yes baby i kinda wanna know lol
the reasoning has to do with something completely different than wut u think like yea but I’m too tired and fed up with ppls shït to explain
Lol ok u should tell me later cause i kinda wanna know lol
one of those times its best to keep it to myself honestly but yea
Ok lol
But aye u missed it baby
god wut did I miss
Baby u there is everything ok
Oh well john and i were choppin a tree down wit axes and i had to take off my sshirt cause it was hot as helllaa lol
good job babe... yea I’m fine just kinda irritated
At what baby
ppl pïss me off nothing new
What happend babe just vent baby
maybe in a min ppl r being violent at me I’ll brb
Ok just dont kill anyone plz
welll im alive sorry ppl were getting fxcking pïssed just yea
I wanna kill everyone here honestly
Babe just vent tell what happend im here for u
well not like one thing happened just over the entire day ppl pïss me off and ima doneeee
anddd my alcoholic father who doesn’t have his own head anymore needs to shut tf up and sit down like the average bxtch
What did he do is he startin sshhiiit
y i had to go for a sec a few mins ago cuz he was bein an aśss
I mean probs the best idea and babe if u want u can come over tomorrow just to get away from him my mom wants to meet u and not so much my dad lol i mean Johns comin over and if u want like i said u can come over to get away from that
I dunno maybe if I could like farrier is coming over at 1:30 ish but... ughhh sorry for bein pïssy honestly just wanna cuddle and sleep and forget about the aśsholes here
Lol i mean u could of told me that when John and i were there and we could of lol
And honestly babe ur mom is pretty cool lol
And if u do come over maybe u can smoke some wacky tabaccy
lol she wanted to meet u... welll there was no way I was gettin out today honestly mom was a bit pïssed with Megan and just wanted me home... sorry for Megan um like not leavin u alone earlier my mom even said it was kinda bull shït... but my mom won’t give a shït if I got anywhere tomorrow as long as I wait for Elsie to get done with her feet after farrier gets there but I dunno wanna get away from megs ik and I wait until 6 to see my dad
right after u guys left is when I was like okayy ppl r gonna die... megs pïssed me off riding earlier tho so I was a bit irritated with her
Ok i mean u can come over at like 2 maybe 3 i think John and i are goin back down and finshing that tree lol so if u wanna see that u can come over lol
Yea thats y i tryed walkin away from her and i mean i smelled kinda like greens lol if u didnt notice that
okay ig oml... I mean I’ll b surprised if u guys don’t laugh at how awkward I’ll b honestly odd
Cause of my mom lol nah my mom and dad will probs be doin anything else
okay oml... well ima still b quiet af tho cuz yea I just get awkward
Oh well ill try to snap u out of it lol
god u will probs just start poking my sides like that gets my attention goddd
If Johns tobaco doesnt work idk what will lol
Lol well i mean no i wont i will try to love up on u lol
god I’ve been in a lovey aśs mood since I got else out then when guys came over resistance kinda hurt like a bxtch
Lol yea it kinda did and if we were to do sshhiitt u would of probs found the greens lol
probs... yeaaaa have fun with that one honestly oml
Lol i will ill probs have u take a nice hit just for sshhiitts and gigles
goddd k... kinda like ur aśs when u try and get me to drink honestly oml
Lol yea
hey at least ik when to stop
Ha i dont and i need to learn lol or just straight up stop lol
welll u just need to know when u need to stop so u don’t get hammered af and do stupid shït
Lol yea
is it a bad thing I just kinda wanna do shït and sleep like that’s it rn tho
Babe im sorry to change the subject agian but do u know how babe i wanna take a nice warm shower wit u
Nah babe its not a bad thing lol
well I think we both wanna... but k?
and yeaaa Wednesday was fxcking funn and literally my mood rn
Sorry i just in the mood to take a shower wit u and do sshhiitt
Lol yea i cant beileve i lasted that long tho lol
lol okay yea sounds fxcking perfect rn honestly
Yes it does lol
pfft lol welll it was funn like yea lll
Lol yea i mean u had a great time and thats all that matters lol
lol I mean I think we both enjoyed it... like I could barely stay quiet if u didnt hear that shït tbh oml
Lol yea i noticed that
And of course in my head i was sayin "YEESSS MA-AM" lol
lolll I wish we had more timeee honestly lol
but yea it was 👌🏻... and I didn’t wanna get dressed cuz fxck pants
Lol same babe
Lol ik i mean if we were livin in our own house i wouldnt care if u did or not
see when we r alone we don’t need pants like bein honest oml... spandex r fine tho srsly
lol well obviously... we enjoy each other half naked lol
Lol fxckin if we were alone and i had to take off my sshhiittt and if i new nobodys goin to be home for a while i would probs walk around in just my underwear
Lol babe theres nothin wrong wit enjoyin that tho lol
lol tru... i would honestly do that tho like... wait for a day where no one is coming over and it’s just us and just steal one of ur shorts and yea either a T-shirt and spandex or just like a thong like srsly 😆 ummm maybe spandex if ppl can see thru windows tho oml
watching u walk around half naked would b entertaining for me tbh oml
Nah we can close the curtains lol
Dont wanna know how it will be entertaining
well my hot aśs bf walking around shirtless is enjoyable for me ok don’t judge lol
Lol im not judgin cause i mean if u just walk around in just a thong and a bra theres no dought ur goin to catch me lookin lol and i dont think u wold mind
tru lol I mean I’ll just end up tryna pull shït knowin me but I’ll restrain myself for as long as I can honestly lol
Nah u wont have to babe
Cause i mean if we were alone we could do sshhiitt
yea tru.... I can just u takin a nap on the couch fxcking shirtless and me goin over and layin on u then falling asleep like that’s me honestly
I won’t wake u up to do shït, I’ll just sleep with u or go get food either way works
And u would probs wake me up so ill just wrap my arms around u and fall back asleep
Lol well if u were extreamly frisky then yea u can wake me up to do sshhiitt
probs lol... see that sounds fxcking perfect cuz I like that feeling tho when I’m layin on u and u just kinda wrap me in ur arms and we almost fall asleep lol... it’s like 👌🏻 and ur rly fxcking warm so it works pretty great
lol then I’ll just lay on u and kiss u neck for a bit honestly that’s me... I was tempted to while we were standing there yesterday but resistance kicked in soo I didn’t
Yes baby it does lol and honestly when i do wrap my arms around u its like takin that nice asssssss drag just like yuusssss i needed this a long time ago bet even better cause its my gorgeaous, cute, dropdead sexy gf
Yea baby u told me that u wanted to give me a hicky last night lol and i honestly wouldnt mind lol
😊 lol see never had this type of relationship ever with a guy so like it’s all new but fxcking amazing I love it ❤️
lol see u wouldn’t mind but ur mom would b like nopeee
❤️❤️ lol see ik how to make a girl kinda smile lol
Oh well she can suck a big black one
god babe lol... well see I’m only actually happy around u and horses like that’s it... both pïsss me off sometimes lol but I love u so ima not give this all up cuz yea oml
cuddling and pulling some lil shït sounds good honestly... like just kisses and small shït then cuddles andddd sleep
Niether will i baby cause this is longest relationship i ever been in and ur fxckin amazing like drop dead sexy, Cute AF, Gorgeouse AAF and hella amazing and sshhiiitt and i mean just dam babe i love u for who u are❤️ like ur personalidy and just who the fxck u are❤️❤️
Yuss baby im up for that
❤️ god see and I miss u damñ... yea we better make this just our longest like just stay together like don’t even think I could handle it if I lost u tho like fxck
Babe if i ever loose u ima just loose my sshhiitt like idk what i would do from there like ur everly thing i ever needed and will need in my life like i need u baby❤️❤️
Miss u to baby girl❤️❤️
same tho like omll 😩❤️ see at first I couldn’t handle wes... who knows wut would happen if I lost I tho like honestly I got over wes quick... I won’t get over u like that’s just that ig godd
cuddlinggggg rnnnnn and sleepinggggg
And ima make sure u dont have to sufer loosing me cause im never goin to let go of u❤️ yes baby cuddling would be perfect rn
yesss it would ❤️❤️ honestly this cat is putting me to sleep rn cuz she’s so fxcking warm... like if we were cuddling same thing since ur so warm omll
Lol well first before we cuddle and go to bed ill need a shower lol
lol well knowin me I’ll probs just b like Heyy I’ll jump in with 😁😁
I wouldnt mind lol aye babe i think ima go bed im fxckin whipped out even tho i had WHITE GIRLS COFFEE lol
Night baby i fxckin love u a fxckin a lot❤️❤️
god k don’t die love u too babe ❤️❤️
Lol im not goin to die lol LOVE UR GORGEOUSE ASSSSSSSSSSSSS❤️❤️
lol okay love u baaaabe night ❤️❤️