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i slept good :)
i would love to :) what do you have in mind?
hehe i’ll post for you so you can see :)
of course :) maybe we could walk around on the boardwalk? look at some shops?
thank you leighton :)
perfect i’ll get ready!
we can just talk here if that’s okay?
*send it to you* see you soon!
*gets ready and grabs my purse while i wait for you*
(okay no worries!)
hey, nice to meet you i’m escense
hi! no worries
i’d love to :)
okay! coming *grabs my purse and walks out the door to your car getting in*
im good leighton, how are you? *smiles over at you as i buckle*
thank you so much , i’m okay yourself??
nothing really, i just got from work :,)
hello handsomee xx i’m bre
sorry i was in the middle of making the bio when i commented. just couldn’t help myself 🤭
i’m really good! dreading work tonight even tho it’s only a 5 hr shift haha
how are you?
i actually work at sam’s club (if yk what that is)
justttt until i finish college
i h8 my job smmm but they pay pretty good for my age
sooort of x it’s a whole sale place. like you can buy bulk of things as well as clothing. we really sell everything haha. i actually had a guy last night steal right in front of meee. we have to stand at the exit door to check receipts. this guy was acting odd and he brought a tote over and said he lost his receipt. i asked him to open the tote and he went crazyyy then ran out w the stuff he stole 🫣
yes exactly! but of courseeee sams club is better. they’re out competition
do you work?
i’m sure i’d win🤗
that’s wonderful! sounds super rewarding
helloooo i’m back
i took a nap then went to work
has your day been good?