I was tagged by k_aesthetic, Basically make a collage for your ub, and song lyric stuck in your head! Aha, Longest Thing you'll ever read in the comments, so seriously dont read it.


I was tagged by k_aesthetic, Basically make a collage for your ub, and song lyric stuck in your head! Aha, Longest Thing you'll ever read in the comments, so seriously dont read it.

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Im sorry xD Please don't even consider reading this, This is just gonna be me letting my thoughts out about Mark. Well...I don't really know how to describe him! I could probably write a whole book on why I love him and everything! Well, It started off when I first found Kpop! My friend made me listen to it, and For like the next week I just listened to that song! He caught my attention. Usually, when I get a bias, Its ALWAYS the person that stands out to me the most! He was so hot...Quite possibly the most perfect boy I've seen! I was Enthralled. I wanted to learn everything about him! He was just the one. All this time, Ive never had a celebrity crush, someone to look up to, someone to always find comfort in! And he became that person for me. I Know, This sounds so freakîng stupid because, Im just a fan that "He doesnt even know I exist" Yeah, Okay He doesn't know I love him or think about him every single morning and night. He kinda brightened up my world :) He made me listen to Kpop, And Im not lying, but my life has been more fun since then! Ive talked to so many people and participated in events! Well Mark...Hehe You might think this is simple, you know, finding a favourite! But when there's so many other perfect boys, *Coughs* (Taehyung, Jungkook All of BTS) But not a moment have I loved any of them more than him! Yes I might fangirl, but no one makes me smile like he does. I guess that's what an ultimate bias just does! Haha And any time I see other Mark stans, I kinda feel jealous^^" Yep. He means the world to me. From Head to Toe I love him so much~ First off, his hair. That fluffy blonde bird nest That is adorable. He recently dyed it to dark pink though! I love it when his hair is covering his forhead. The way he wears baseball caps and covers his entire head xD His Eyes, They are a really dark brown, nothing special but I could look at them forever. His nose is really long...Lol I sound so weird. His nose has a different structure lol and I think its great. HIS TEETH! Haha This boy has some strange vampire teeth xD They aren't like, idk they are different! Lol Like I said, Vampire teeth. Tuans Teeth. Haha. He has piercings obviously, and his earrings are nicer than mine😂😂 His smile, Ohh his smile❤️ Seeing him smile can crack a smile out of me even if Im in the worst moods ever. He looks like a little golden retriever when he smiles. His aegyo level breaks my scale. Im not kidding, If Im ever sad or angry, you show me a picture of Mark and he'll bring my anger down like a lot. His fashion sense is really spot-on. He wears the clothes fan gift him sometimes! He has a huge, HUGE winter jacket that he wears at the airport and stuff! Lol he has a really funny sweater with eyes and teeth on the hood...It seems really popluar in Korea! Ive seen Tae and Jimin wearing it! Okay okay..Uhm well he once wore a net shirt for a performance 0////0 Like as in, his stomach was transparent. You could see his ãbs. Kyahh~ His voice! Of course, our Markeu is a rapper! But he has such a good voice! Its really sweet, and he kinda hums, he never sings loud! But If he trained his voice it would be perfect❤️ His voice is deep when he's singing, and it sounds so dàmn sêxy like I feel like melting when I hear it. Honestly he's just so fine. His rapping😭✨ It's so hot xD His parts are what I look forward to when listening to Got7! His part in Confession song is so cool~ Especially when he says "Otte?" Which means "Shall we?" His part in Just Right is so important to me, I cannot stress how much this line means to me so it goes "Just try to be happy without a worry, don't try to look for what isn't good enough. Turn your attention from the Mirror to my Eyes, Get off the scale and onto my back." SERIOUSLY HOW PRECIOUS IS THAT?! I know he didn't come up with it, But for real. That line describes me so freakîn well. I need to be happy, and stop worrying abour everything. He says STOP LOOKING AT THE MIRROR AND LOOKK INTO MY EYES. HIS EYES. And, worrying about my weight >< Some shît I worry about toooo much! Get onto my back? You know how much that warms my heart? He also motivates me! My WHOLE class knows about how much I love Mark! If im playing sports, they'll shout his name and Make me smile! Ahhhhh... There was a point where all I wanted to do was listen to him, watch videos and I liked him more than my real-life crush xD Mark's just so fluffy and perfect. He means the world to me, he is my stars. He shines so brightly and is the one person who can always, ALWAYS make me feel happy no matter what Happens. And I Pray to God He'll always be smiling and happy💞✨🍥☺️
Holy sheet Oreo you weren't kidding when you said it was long😂✨
IM SORRY I Just really needed to get that said somewhere😁😂
No its fine, it was v beautiful, I enjoyed reading it😂💞💘👍
awh💞 First off thank you for reading that freaking essay I wrote xD He is a little angel✨ Ahhh demon Maknae?? Haha Yugyeom is so adorable😂😂 Ahh who's your ub? The feels just cannot be contained when It comes to them
Ahhwhwhwhw that is so cute xD I SWEAR ALL THE MAKNAE'S ARE TERRIBLE *coughs*'JEON JUNGKOOK!!!! Ahh I felt it was easy for Got7 BUT WITH BANGTAN😭😭 My bias is Tae-tae💞 But again, *Yells* JEON JUNGKOOOOK! xD He's my bias wrecker😭😭
awe that was so sweet what you said
I once just to annoy my friend told her how annoying this one kid is
it was like ...4 pages long lol
He's lterally the definition of perfecf and ugh he's my precious kookie🍪💘 Everyhing he does is so adorable and aont even get me started on his angelic voice....It feels like getting water in a desert!❤️ I melt every time!
Haha when it comes to him I cant control myself xD
Let me know is beautiful, Like It sends shivers down my spine...
xD Yep! We all get a but protective over our biases whether we know it or not😂
that's such a good collage!!!!! thank you for actually doing the tag😂😂I was scared people would just ignore the fact that they got tagged:/
how do you even write long paragraphs?! ._. Ohmergerd...
Lol Its not actually as long😂😁 It looks long bcs of the font & the way it's spaced out, Im sure The essays and stuff we write at school are wayyyy longer☺️