you’d look better under me


you’d look better under me

6 3
hi I’m Delilah
hey there! how’s it going?
it’s been good, no complaints over here haha x i woke up like… an hour or so ago
i got called in to the 2 hospitals I work at back to back yesterday so the sleep was very needed x but no sir, just resting up for today I believe! how about you?
ahh i love your username
i know it’s the name of a band haha
that i do (:
really? that’s really admirable! i’d thought of going into PT butttttt obviously that didn’t occur
i agree, it definitely is (: have you got any plans for the rest of your day? i forgot to ask when you did x
ah okay, i’m glad you’re able to get some time to decompress (: and i’d be fine with that, have anything in mind?
hii i’m kasey :)
hello :) i’m lizzie!
hi hi, i’m nikita x
you’re totally fine! i hope all has been well, love (:
i’m doing pretty good :) how about yourself sir?
hi there