The Fall season is coming up! Create a back to school/fall outfit based off how fall is like where you live! Example: a trendy sweater and some warm pant leggings to cozy up near a fire in the snowy Montana range; or a tank top and shorts for


IIContestII: The Fall season is coming up! Create a back to school/fall outfit based off how fall is like where you live! Example: a trendy sweater and some warm pant leggings to cozy up near a fire in the snowy Montana range; or a tank top and shorts for

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The Fall Season is coming up! Style a back to school fall themed outfit, but your outfit must be weather appropriate for where you live, is it Sunny? Snowy? Rainy? where you live!? The deadline will be the end of fall season, and that’s when prizes will be announced. Stay tuned for more details!
Please excuse my cutting out in that pic it’s a bit... you get it!
Also follow thetrendyunicorn pls they’re so good but don’t get noticed and it’s so sad!