Can't burn my little siblings. 
Hello everyone. So, you remember the last episode of Sherlock, and there's this one part that I liked, it's when John's talking to his therapist and he's says something like "why does everything have to be okay?" If someone


Can't burn my little siblings. Hello everyone. So, you remember the last episode of Sherlock, and there's this one part that I liked, it's when John's talking to his therapist and he's says something like "why does everything have to be okay?" If someone

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Can't burn my little siblings. Hello everyone. So, you remember the last episode of Sherlock, and there's this one part that I liked, it's when John's talking to his therapist and he's says something like "why does everything have to be okay?" If someone could find that quote, and put it in the remixes, that be awesome. And maybe I'll think of a reward or something. Also, it doesn't matter if it's an edit you made it anything. I just want the quote. Thanks!lo
Ignore the lo at the end of the thing.
thank you fren๐Ÿ’œ
I hope you have a good day too!๐Ÿ’œ