They do it to old ones aswell


They do it to old ones aswell

7 0
I'm sorry but I cant say....
because she doesn't want people knowing. it's not my choice. I'm sorry. but she has to be the one to announce if that is her wish
oh btw. I saw what you " girlfriend " commented on Logan's account. it wasn't necessary for her to do that since he hasn't been on pic collage in months 😂 that comment could start an argument all over again. next time don't go telling her to do that. why does she need to know about that anyway🤔 I thought it was in the past, but clearly not.
oh and don't get your " girlfriend " to start commenting on my account because I sent that. it's stupid. I was just telling you
well make sure it doesn't happen again
she will be back in at most eight hours
good x