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The interviewer waits as everyone gets the cameras ready and she looks over at your character. She holds up three fingers for a countdown and once all her fingers are put down she smiles. “Thank you for sitting down with us.” she tells your character.
Aylo nods. “No problem. Thanks for having me.”
rEuBeN jUsT diEd
hAspSl tHe piG??
The interviewer smiles, “Did you ever thing you would enter the selection? What mad you do it?”
yEs ThE piG i’M sO uPsEt
Aylo thinks for a second. “No, I never really thought I would enter. The reason I entered...I guess I wanted to know what would happen.”
The interviewer nods, “What quality do you hope the prince possesses?”
“I hope the prince possesses...kindness. So many people are unkind and stuck-up. I hope the prince will be intelligent enough to see that kindness is always better.” Aylo smiles after saying this. It’s what her mother nailed into her from the moment she was born.
The interviewer grins. “What do you hope the other contestants see you as?”
“I hope the other contestants will see me as being a good person,” Aylo responded.
The interviewer nods, “Thank you that will be all. Please go mingle with the other contestants while we finish up other interviews.”
Aylo noddEd. “Okay. Thank you,” she said quietly.