Some people are wondering what I look like so I am going to post some pics of me


Some people are wondering what I look like so I am going to post some pics of me

8 1
11 and thanks plus your really good at hair
this is my look today
your welcome this is kinda of awkward but can we be friends
how do you do that
I can co own your account or you can co own mine
I know how to do that?!?!??
you have to be willing to give the other person your account info like I would give you my password or you give me yours and your username and stuff
we would do that by well I guess you would have to get my email and we text it to each other so that others can't find it out and co own your account
what is your email I will delete it right after so don't worry plus I won't give it to anyone
oh then how can we do this
oh I know ok you tell me the password to your account then as soon as I get in you change the password so no one can get on maybe ?!?!?
sorry too far
I am so sorry