I know, I should've said this yesterday, but I couldn'tπŸ™ˆ: YESTERDAY (26th June) WAS THE 2nd ANNIVERSARY OF LOTP!!!!😱😍✨ Yes, Shawn's first single is two years old! I'm so proud of my muffin (proud is a very weak wordπŸ˜…) xxx


I know, I should've said this yesterday, but I couldn'tπŸ™ˆ: YESTERDAY (26th June) WAS THE 2nd ANNIVERSARY OF LOTP!!!!😱😍✨ Yes, Shawn's first single is two years old! I'm so proud of my muffin (proud is a very weak wordπŸ˜…) xxx

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thanks for the really nice comments and the spam!! Your edits are really good😍😊