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I hate when people hate on Obama. yes, he wasn't the best, and he did mess up, but he did a lot of amazing things for us as well
fun fact: he actually attempted to fix the things he promised to fix but several republicans voted against it
lol I like how it's march
can't we all just say f the government and all vote for Obama again?
oooh I've used that caption before
nice memeage
whoever gets in for president either way, Americas gonna burn*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
my one "friend" was talking about politics and I said "I'm a democrat" and she said "ew, haha, I'm a republican" and I could already tell this was going downhill so I said "well I'm for Bernie Sanders" and she said "ew, no, Bernie's going to ruin this country. Donald Trump is the only one who can save it" and I was ready to abandon the friendship right then and there and then I said "my perfect government would have Bernie as president and Obama as vice so if Bernie dies then Obama can take over again" and she said "and that will be the downfall of America, Obama was the worst president ever" so basically I am no longer friends with this person
wow that's long sorry