-You guys can give questions to him by using the remixs or the comments! I got some time to spare and stuff! you can ignore this if you want anyways


-You guys can give questions to him by using the remixs or the comments! I got some time to spare and stuff! you can ignore this if you want anyways

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I'll be taking some questions on here too!
Well heck nobody's doing it
Well that's alot of questions for tom
What is your worse pet peeve?
I like how I'm going to die slowly
What would you do if time stopped for everyone and everything around you?
Also, what do you use to dye your hair red?
And why the mask? No offense, but it always reminds me of a volleyball...so I'm just hoping you don't go near my school's volleyball team...they can get overzealous sometimes.... Just a head's up. [inset drumset here for pun and buildup for terrible pun]
Sidenote: True or false- Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories per hour!