Ello! ☺️ Okay, so just to be clear, this next week I'm gonna be busy doing a lot more things than often. So I will be on, but usually at the end of the day or in the morning. πŸ˜„ And btw, sorry for being inactive today, I had to go help my grandm


IMPORTANT Ello! ☺️ Okay, so just to be clear, this next week I'm gonna be busy doing a lot more things than often. So I will be on, but usually at the end of the day or in the morning. πŸ˜„ And btw, sorry for being inactive today, I had to go help my grandm

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You're fine! Just be on when you can, or don't, whichever is the best for you! 😁
You never actually came back. I'm guessing now that that was some kind of excuse for you to never come back on. You never said goodbye and that really does hurt.