Yesterday was the largest mass shooting in my country's history. I was asleep as 58 people were killed and 500+ were injured. 
I, as a 15 y/o white girl from Ohio, could do nothing. 
I knew nothing, I can't even help.


Yesterday was the largest mass shooting in my country's history. I was asleep as 58 people were killed and 500+ were injured. I, as a 15 y/o white girl from Ohio, could do nothing. I knew nothing, I can't even help.

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we need to change things. every year a new mass shooting record is broken. each one by guns. each one where innocent civilians lost their lives. our country needs to change. our COUNTRIES need to change for the better of the world. cuz if we don't there will not be a world to better.
what I'm saying is that if we let our governments keep these same gun laws in place with no change in any way this record will continue to be broken. massive machine guns and large amounts of ammo is too easy to get a hold one. we should start with that.
(yes I'm aware that other countries have banned guns. Us Americans cannot do that as many would get furious and demand that the second amendment is the right to bear arms. this is because in mercantilist times Britain was quite against colonists possession guns as tensions between British and colonist get tighter.)
(so when we created our laws guns for all was one of the first on the list)
thank you for reading my dumb rant. if you got this far you're a trooper