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when I say this?😂😂
Sophia I didn't say that💀
but I saw it
so it means you said it
but I don't like this girl
yes you doooo😍❤️
but I don't
don't lie I can tell
no I didn't
this is what I found and I think it's cute
last week but it got deleted😭
k your actually pîssing me the fûck off now because I don't like pearl I didn't see any of this cràp so back the fûck off my shît and get the fûck out. I like someone else. who I like. is none of your concern so shut the fûck up.
“what i found” even if this was real that's a bit psycho to go through his comments don't you think (;
@nunu @abby @sophia no one ever mentioned being weird at the nunu Abby ship page
@pearl I know he loves you and you love him so just leave me alone. I'm not responding to any of your comments any more🙄
well your kinda more creepy cuz your editing what I say.