So bored😑


So bored😑

15 1
hey why are you hating on me everyone else is fake and actually that is my sister she posts pictures of her on the internet
this is her account I just use it for fun😐
I'm not hating I'm telling the truth
Reply on my wall
U wouldn't reply cos u can't stand up to someone who knows ur a fake
So ur saying both the girls is ur 1 sistrt
I did reply
on your page…
look at it
Cos if u tap the picture up comes at the bottom the same picture and u can collect it so other ppl can use. It
I will send you a screen shot
A screenshot of wat?!
OMG just stop okay why are you picking on me other people do it why don't you go make a hate page about! you care so much about making me feel bad
about me😡
I will delete this account if you just stop bothering me
Am all I'm doing is telling the truth
So OMG u stop 😠😠😠😠😠
U can stand up to anyone who knows ur a fake
So why would someone post a selfie twice and as their profile pic
This is some random girl off the internet that u with a were
😡😡😡if you care so much about telling the truth then make a whole account about hating on people! how about that now please leave me alone I will delete this account if you are gonna be so mean about it
Wish not with but u cant be het
check on all the other accounts they do it and I do not want you to say I'm just telling the truth!😡😡😤
okay that is really rude
you can't judge me you don't know me of you met me maybe you would think I was pretty you can't judge someone if you haven't met them😔
Everyone knows that loads of people do it but that means u shouldn't do it
U should hav a fresh start by changing ur nme and deleting those pictures of some girls and follow my tutorials on my page do u can get liked and more followers
okay look if you want me to delete this account so badly then just saying instead of hurting my feelings by calling me ugly😭
say it
I'm not calling u ugly! I dont even know wat u look like cos that's not u! U mite be pretty I dunno but don't pretend to be someone else
U mite think Shes prettier than u but everyone's beautiful especially u
I'm not being rude
I want to help u
I said ur beautiful so ur saying that rude so if I said ugly it's not rude?!
I don't need help stop trying to help someone that you don't know
It's called being kind....and yes ur rite I dont know u cod ur not that person. So tell me r u the person in the picture Yes or no
thank you for saying I'm beautiful just please I don't have a disorder I'm just a girl who is happy and is a tomboy and is blonde
that is my cousin not my sister no lie.
Ok how many people r on this account
3 and 4 soon
So who's the 3
There u ur cuzin
Who elde
my other cousin and my sister
Oh Ok! So ye r really the ppl in the pics
yah girl