Collage by Teenage_Misfits


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hi I'm Katie. u r really cute!!!!!!!
hiiii Katieeee thanks
hey I'm Natalia. I'm 13 and in 7th too
hey Natalia! that's cool
what's up✌🏽️
nothin much wby
watching basketball. and football
I love football
me too. ur talking about American right?
I live in Florida
I live in New Jersey. I'm watching the Eagles vs the buccaneers
I'm watching it on sportscenter
eagles r losing😔
what move do you wanna go see? *stands there and stares blankly at you*
ur a pc kid aren't u?
no. austin
r u still watching the game
this is Brooke and Austin is playing basketball right now
oh ok. sup
nm u
eh I'm waiting for Austin to get home
Yurp meh
uh huh
I'm so bored.
me too
hi Austin how was basketball?
it's was fun my team won
I was talking to your sis while u were out
that's cool
ur sis told u
the two emotions I would describe myself best with right now is happy and embarrassed...😊😊😊☺️☺️☺️
that's nice. my emotions are happy and bored
I know u r happy because your game one. why r u bored and are there any other reasons why u r happy?
I'm happy because you are talking to me
☺️☺️☺️u make me happy *smiles and blushes*
awe thanks love
❤️❤️❤️ did you see my remix that described how I feel about u?
nothin. how r u?
I'm great wby
good. I wish I lived closer to you so I could see you in person. *frowns*
yea that would be cool. what state do you live in?
I live in Florida
that's really far away
yeah..... I wish we were closer. *frowns as tear runs down face*
*wipes your tear off your face* plz don't cry
*looks up at u and smiles* ok
*hugs u* I'm glad I met u
*hugs you*
*kisses you on the cheek* I hope that was ok with u that I did that *smiles*
*smiles* it's fine
without u my life right now would definitely not be as happy
I'm glad I mean that much to you
*laughs* of course you do
you mean a lot to me
I do?
u already know I like u, but do u like me back?
I don't know yet
ok. anyway... what do u wanna do?
anything you would like
sounds good to me
which on do you wanna watch?
idc you pick
what's up. how's b ball
how about home?
popcorn and soda?
yes please
kk. *smiles and looks at you* ready to go?
let's go then
*holds your hand*
*holds you hand and kisses your cheek*
*blushes and kisses you back*
*looks into your eyes*
we r here
*walks into theater* wanna sit up front, in the middle, or in back?
hm back
kk *walks into back row* how is right here?
it's good sits down next to you
*movie starts* we got here just in time
*holds your hand*
kisses your cheek
*holds your hand*
want some popcorn?
yea sure *our hands both touch the popcorn*
*looks at you and smiles and blushes* hehe
*looks into your eyes*
*smiles* words don't describe how much I like you
will you be my gf?
yes *blushes and kisses u*
*kisses you*
*hugs u* u make me happy
*movie ends* what do you wanna do now?
can we go to your place?
*holds your hand*
*walks up to door* you have the keys, right?
nope *knocks on door* btw my sister is home
hehe. *Brooke opens the door*
*walks in* what do you wanna do now?
*looks around* nice place
let's go to my room -Austin. ooo Austin don't get dirty with her -Brooke
ew no I'm not -Austin
Really Brooke?
where is your room?
*takes your hand and brings u in my room* here we are
nice room *jumps onto the bed*
hehe thanks. Should I close the door? *quickly turns on tv*
yeah sure
what do you wanna watch?
or do u just wanna listen to music *smiles*
*walks up to u and kisses u on the cheek* come on! sit on the bed with me
Austin? *waves hand in front of your face* you awake?
I'm back... hey *kisses you*
*kisses you* what do u wanna do?
come on *holds your hand and sits down on your bed*
what do you wanna watch on tv?
*phone vibrates* my dad just texted me. he wants to know what my plans are for tonight. is it ok if I stay the night
*sighs* *lays down on bed and plays game on phone*
goodnight babe. I'll talk to you in the morning
good morning *hugs you*
good morning *hugs you*
how did you sleep?
*yawns* ready to go eat breakfast?
it was good I guess
r u ok?
I'm gonna walk home so I can get ready for school. wanna walk with me? *smiles*
if I stop talking that means my bus irl for school came
*kisses u softly on the lips*
I ride the bus too
I love u
I'm at school
ew ur gross
sorry that was my friend lacy
I have to leave to go catch my bus. I message back when I have wifi *kisses u* bye
hi I'm home
how was your day? *kisses u*
it was fun. my best friend lacy and I had so much fun. She took me to the movie theater. She is so pretty! I have always liked girls like her
*looks down* you still like me, right?
*smiles and hugs u* I love u
*holds your hand* what do u wanna do
*kisses u* wanna go back in your room?
*starts crying* I just remembered........ why I hate December....*tears fall down face*
*frowns* why won't u talk 2 me?
*looks at the ground* I love u and I hope u know that
goodnight I'll talk to you in the morning
good morning
hello? Austin? *tear falls down face*
it's ok
uh hello this is my comment section lol
sorry. I'll leave u alone from now on if u want...
no it's fine
I'm sorry about the spam though. I just really liked u and I was worried that something was wrong when u didn't answer....
*tries to smile* can we still be friends?
y break up?
y u*
A-Austin? R u still there?