Make sure to not like it!!!


Make sure to not like it!!!

17 0
I mean were u able to like with nose type bunny with ur left pinkie and hold ur breathe and repost.
awww...mel1197 liked it and one other person idk😞😞😞😭😭😭
really? i hate persons who do that or that just FOLLOW cuz they want a FOLLOW back and then boom! they unfollowed u 😬🙄😕
I know. now three ppl have liked it... it makes me feel like they just do it for shoutouts or free icons or a follow
ikr that happens to me (honestly,idk 😂 its mah theory but flowerdream FOLLOW me then unfollow that happened 3 times 😂)
srsly??? 5 ppl liked it???
nearly liked it...
now it's 13??? srsly guys?
I read it but I'm still gonna like it bc I'm gonna repost it. 😊😊