If you don't watch home and away I don't know what you have been doing at seven


If you don't watch home and away I don't know what you have been doing at seven

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I love home and away anyone else
I love it too
I can't wait till broudy and Ziggy get married it's going to be the best
who are you talking to , yourself what a silly head
no I'm not and you really shouldn't be that mean because I'm really sick of you guys picking on as you do it everyday. All I want to ask is why and is it because you think I won't mind that you hiding something from me or ignoring me or making me look fools at school does that make you happy because it doesn't make happy it just makes me wonder why I even like you or even want you as my friend. So please stop and when have I done it to you and maybe I have but I've always told you where it is. Thanks
and STOP
can’t you take jokes
if you think that why are you my friend
your always mean to us and judging. but now I'm just not going to care