Sky: DX


Sky: DX

3 0
Galaxy: :3. Cleo : it takes time.
you sure? I recognize your username. my past accounts were dat James, dat toitle, ask_james, and a few others
heh... *hugs back* well I missed you too
oh uh... I missed you too... *hugs sky*
James: hey...
._. calm thy self!
who and who??
oh yeah. sorry my minds been on other things
thomas: *walks over* ?
thomas: o-oh! *smiles* hello there
thomas: how have you been? sorry for being gone so long...
thomas: I'm doing fine *pats ur head*
thomas: heh... *wags my tail*
thomas: *blushes a little bit* so... what do you wanna do? *hugging back*
thomas: *thinks* well... I guess I just wanna hang out with you...
thomas: *smiles, sitting down*
*blushes more, petting you gently*
*blushes deeply* heh... w-well I missed being around you...
._. n-no! that's not it at all! I do love you... ok? *kisses forehead*
*smiles back* since we haven't seen each other in so long... anything in particular you wanna do?