brats >


brats >

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hey sir I’m moxi
oh hi there
nice meeting you to
Hello sir I’m racer x
hello sir I'm Caroline
nothing much and you
Aw thank you mister 😊 how are you feeling today?
hii :) how's your week been going?
hi! i know, so stupid 😠
Same :) just feelin really tired
that's good, of course! mine has been going okay. haven't been really feeling the best lately, you know?
eh it's just been stuff with life. toxic friends, horrible family, ect. sucks but I'll get over it sometime I guess
I definitely think I have a nap in my future hehe. So what are some of your favorite things to do?
yeah, it's fine. you don't have to be sorry :) thank you though <3 means a lot
eh nothing really just kinda getting ready for the day haha how bout you?
That’s so cool! And not cliche at all :) I tried skating one time, and after landing on my axx a few times I was done 🙈 I love dancing…music is my go to for dealing with pretty much any emotion
ahh ok, makes sense. it's 6:40 am for me haha so.. woke up like 2 hours ago, earlier than I usually wake up actually. but yeah
good how are you? :) i’m adalyn
Probably so, maybe you can show me sometime? I listen to pretty much anything! It just depends on my mood
hii I’m Indie
why thank you 😊
you are very handsome !
lovely to meet you as well sir :)
hello again sir :)
that's okay! I forgive you :) and I actually don't know haha it's crazy
just a little homework for college how about you :)
Yayy…but you promise not to let me fall? 🥺
helloooo :)
hi, i’m quinn <2
PERIOD as u should 🤣