#StompDownBullying//Chantal Da Camelcorn👑


#StompDownBullying//Chantal Da Camelcorn👑

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I'll miss you tooo
your one that I'll miss the most
cuz ur so dang awesome!!!!😘💓
That is so true. If your a bully.....STOP!! Why do that to such innocent people? So what, some people have a disordered face. That doesn't mean ANYTHING. Stop bullying and make the world a better place. Who's with me?
I have been cyber bullied and bullied... very sad thanks for doing this
yeah me to I was bullied 3 years straight thanks for standing up
Your welcome 👍 and bullies won't stop. :(
one time me and my mom went to war and we saw this big table of kids sitting there and calling one names and just bullying him. My mom went over there and legitimately yelled at them
I meant eat not war lol
what is plagarism?
thx for the spam of likes im working on a shoutout for u