GUYS please please please!


GUYS please please please!

19 12
thanks for the advise it's just that I don't have that kind of relation ship with them, I mean we don't talk to each other about serious stuff but I'll try and thanks a lot I really needed help😥-😭
thanks for all ur help I'm crying right now and I don't usually cry and I don't want to care what people ink about me but I care what these people think of me because we used to be really good friends and we still are but now there talking behind my back and I'm really afraid to open up to one of them because I'm scared that they'll tell the people in that group then I'll be made fun of even more. thanks for the help I really needed someone to talk to...
I'm glad things worked out for u but I tried to do that and one of the girls who talks about me I dont really like her but she's apart of that group always says "u can go now this conversation does not include u and its not about u" but I clearly hear them when they think I'm not near and its about me still thanks a lot and I still have best friends who are NEVER mean to me but these girls I was always close with...M but thanks!