Try to watch it to the end, it's good stuff! 😉 faith in evolution is just as blind as faith in God


Try to watch it to the end, it's good stuff! 😉 faith in evolution is just as blind as faith in God

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thank you! one of atheism's main arguments is how a God couldn't have created everything. so then it all just appeared??
one sec he keeps saying oh that was along time ago we can't see it so that's not good enough but like no one has seen God either so he can't be real either according to his logic
and there is proof but whenever someone brings something up he goes wait I can't see it so it's not there
but I can't see God so he must not be there either
and what about how he's like science has so much blind faith but it's not like religion doesn't?
and science has lots of evidence supporting those theories and many people agree with the theories because of all this evidence behind it
the point isn't that religion has facts, it's that people talk about science like its all proof but there's just as much faith involved in believing evolution as there is believing in God
that's because we don't have all the answers yet that's what science is trying to find but what we do believe in we believe in because there is a lot of evidence pointing to the truth of it
well based on the fact that the main thing saying there's this God is the bible there's a lot more believing in religion then science
there's also personal experience with God which kind of proves His existence
like what?
people can make up personal stories or mistake things for God
1.) my grandmother has half of a uterus an gave birth to two perfectly healthy children 2.) my best friend had scoliosis and I watched his spine straighten before my eyes when we asked God to heal him 3.) my English teacher was praying for a son when she got a phone call asking if she was interested in adopting a baby boy 4.) I've watched so many people healed I can't deny that it's not an earthly thing causing it
1) I looked it up you can still have children if there's a problem like that with your uterus so that doesn't have to be God 2) I also looked it up there are ways to treat scoliosis and there's a type that usually can get fixed on its own over time 3)it's called timing there's no proof that has anything to do with God you're just taught to think these things are miracles of god 4) I just showed you ways that could all be earthly so ?
scoliosis doesn't heal in a minute. you don't go from having a misshapen spine to a totally normal spine in a minute. and that's what happened
it could of been healing over time and then they noticed it? just because we don't understand something doesn't mean it must be God
^the earth can't cause things like that.
along time ago we thought the earth couldn't cause storms but know we know they can so just because we don't know how to explain it yet doesn't mean it has to be a god
people used to credit Ligtning to Zeus but we now know that lightning isn't caused by a god