So i know this is really simple, but I stink at Harry Potter edits.  happy birthday, Luna!  She is my favorite character and we share a birthday! We're also north Ravenclaws!


So i know this is really simple, but I stink at Harry Potter edits. happy birthday, Luna! She is my favorite character and we share a birthday! We're also north Ravenclaws!

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happy birthday!
happy birthday😊
btw I'm one of Charlottes friends I don't know if she told u bout me but me and her talk a lot
happy birthday to you! kawaiiedits_ told me that you wanted to know how lacrosse works! anything particular you want to know? I would gladly explain it 😊 lovely edits by the way! πŸ’™
okay so there is the center. it has the circle in the middle where the draw (to determine which team gets the ball) is played. more midfielders stand on the outside of the circle to assist the person who is trying to win the draw on their team. there are also restraining lines. only a certain amount of players can be near the area by the goal. only seven players are allowed on one team are allowed to be in this area. the other 4 have to stay back behind the restraining line. (mostly those who stay behind are defenders and one midfielder) if this rule is violated, then off sides is called and the other team gets the ball. so yeah that's pretty much the field πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ anything else you want to know?
you're welcome!!!
I love your acc!
thank you so much!
happy late birthday, Luna Lovegood and @EmsicalEdits?
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