Click to be offended

So I just listened to Waterparks for the first time and

*whispers* they're incredibly annoying and the songs are really grosS DON'T HURT ME


Click to be offended So I just listened to Waterparks for the first time and *whispers* they're incredibly annoying and the songs are really grosS DON'T HURT ME

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like the main singer? can they get a new one? I feel like they'd be a lot better if they got a new songwriter and singer they'd be a lot better
I sound reeeeeally bĂ­tchy
I am
I accept my fate
okay sorry don't die ily and you can have opinions but
no I welcome death with open arms come murder me
no bad opinions against my child
oh I never heard their music yet
Yeah I just listened to them and they sound like 2004 Radio Disney
And the lyrics are weird too "I watch you from my telescope"
^^ YES
oh ok I see how it