Collage by deadhearts


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john baby 😩
it makes me want to unbutton your shirt and kiss you all over
*bites my lip crawling in your lap as i unbutton your shirt pushing the sides beside you and rubs my hand down your chest* i want john, i need you
*unbuckles your belt and pulls it off before opening your pants and palms your bulge* mm i need you inside me baby, my panties are so wet right now
*nods whining a bit* i stared at those gym pictures a little too long *holds your shoulders for support and begins to grind on your bulge looking into your eyes*
it does when i get thinking about things *bites my lip and nods eagerly* i want to ride you. i want to please you baby
*reaches down and lifts up slightly guiding your length inside me and sits down a bit slowly to allow myself to stretch to your size* mmm *breathes a bit heavier and holds your shoulders again as i start to rock my hips*
*breathes deeply as i adjust to you and starts to bounce a bit on your length while leaning my head to the side for better access* mm baby you feel so good inside me, y-you’re so big
mmm *bounces a bit faster as i get eager when you compliment me* i want your marks all over my body
*jumps lightly and bites my lip when it snaps against my skin and continues riding you deep* mm when i was pregnant with millie i was hxrny all the time
*nods eagerly and unclips my bra tossing it to the side continuing to ride you* i’m always hungry for you daddy, always
*kisses your lips as i bounce harder against you* o-oh my god i can’t believe you fit inside me *moans lightly in your ear as i hold onto you* i got my reward, i have you and a baby and millie
*holds onto you as you change positions and moans louder once you start thrusting at a fast pace* d-daddy please i want you to give me so many babies. i want to be your good girl
*moans and grips the sheets below us whining at how good it feels* mmm daddy i’m so close *starts to orgxsm and milk leaks from my breasts*
*moans loudly and rubs my fingers through your hair tugging when you start to pound against me* d-daddy harder *bites my lip and cxms heavily on your dxck feeling it drip down my legs*
*moans loudly as i shake from all the pleasure* d-daddy i love the sound of your balls hitting my pxssy *pulls on your hair and starts to scream as i continue releasing*
*breathes deeply and nods as i reach down rubbing my raw pxssy* i want to be daddy’s slxt, he can use me whenever he wants
*moans and rubs myself feeling all our juices spill out of me*. you’re so good baby boy *leans up and kisses your lips* i want you to stay inside me
*lingers on your lips and smiles stroking your cheek* you really were made to please me. that’s the best sxx i’ve ever had and you fit perfectly inside me *keeps my hand on yours as you rub me*
*laughs and nods* mhmm i feel so lucky to have been your first *watches your eyes* i love you john *shakes my head and laughs* i’m not even sure where he lives to fulfill that dream of yours
*giggles and takes my fingers gathering some of our mixed cxm and lxcks my fingers watching you* mmm we taste so good *sits up a bit once you are out of me* i haven’t really thought about fantasies before. i honestly wasn’t sure i’d find another person i’d want to have sxx with after having millie
*grabs a towel and wipes between my legs smiling up at you* baby i feel so comfortable with you. i feel perfectly fine with where we are at in this relationship. i haven’t felt like this ever with someone
*blushes gently and smiles down at you rubbing my fingers through your hair* i promise to love you and give you the best experience of love i possibly can
*nods smiling and lifts my arms up for you to put on the hoodie* mhmm i really enjoy being around you honey
*smiles and shakes my head* i don’t mind *smiles and wraps up in your hoodie and leans back on the headboard*
*wraps my arms around you laughing from all the kisses* sxx is absolutely wonderful but aftercare is my favorite part
*strokes your cheek smiling* i feel like aftercare is more intimate than sxx is. you get to be so close with someone in such a loving way *kisses you* id love some
i’ve never had good aftercare *laughs a bit and holds you against me* once i was told i needed to leave immediately after
i know you wouldn’t baby *smiles and nods kissing your cheek as i snuggle into you*
*frowns and shakes my head* oh my goodness i’m so sorry. i’m glad we can comfortably talk about exes so that we can learn what not to do for the other you know? i’m glad we have good communication
*takes a bite of fruit as i listen to you and nods* i agree. i’m glad we can grow to know what we like together
*holds onto you nodding* i’m honestly not sure how i ended up in that situation, he seemed so nice in the beginning and things went down hill very quickly *takes another bite and smiles* thank you for encouraging me to eat, some days i need it
yeah but now we have our millie because you met me later? *smiles and kisses you* there are pros and cons to each side *takes another bite slowly and nods* i need to eat more especially being pregnant now
i know *frowns a little and plays with my fingers* i don’t want my ed to harm the baby in any way. maybe a midwife? i’ve never had one. what do they do exactly?
*nods smiling* that makes sense. maybe we could look into that together and see if that’s something we are interested in?
*laughs a little and nods looking at the mess we made* maybe we could shower too? i feel a bit sweaty
yes sir *smiles nodding and grabs towels and my soaps i use wobbling around a bit from how sore i am*
baby i’m okay *laughs and holds onto you* i’m just a little sore from earlier? you did so well im still raw *kisses your lips* you can set me by the shower
*nods smiling and kisses your cheek* well thank you *leans against you for support and grabs my soap i need* can you turn on the water?
*nods and smiles placing my soaps on the shower* you are welcome to join me once you’re done if you’d like? no pressure
*smiles nodding and wets my hair before starting to add shampoo*
*nods smiling once you get in* of you’d like to, my soaps are all right here and i’ve just started my hair
*smiles and watches you soap up my body before looking up at you* just a little sore, i’m sure i’ll be fine in a few hours *looks down at my pink pxssy* it’s still a little red
*nods gently and smiles while rubbing your scalp and watching you wash me* that might feel nice, thank you honey
*laughs and nods standing up on my toes as i wash your hair* yes much better
*laughs and washes your hair before finding it out making sure no water gets in your eyes*
*stands close to you smiling and plays with your hair gently* millie keeps saying dada now that she knows that word
*smiles gently down at you and shakes my head* he’s never even seen her, he left when i was 8 months pregnant
*watched you and nods* things happened for the best, he wasn’t a great person *leans up and kisses your cheek* now i have such a sweet and gentle man in my life
*kisses your lips and smiles as i rinse my body off* i agree, i couldn’t be any happier
*smiles and nods grabbing a towel* you can, i’d like that
*holds your shoulders for support and watches you smiling*
*smiles and kissses you cheek before holding my towel around me* how about we change into something comfy and watch a movie together?
*walks out with you smiling* a rom com? those are my favorite types of movies *goes to my drawer grabbing a big t shirt and comfy shorts*
*smiles and sets my towel down changing into my clothes* i don’t think i have? i’ve heard of it but i haven’t seen it
*smiles and braid my hair nodding* yes we should watch it *ties off my hair and goes over to you laying on your chest*
*leans my head on your chest smiling and nods* you have? maybe once or twice
*blushes and holds onto your shirt smiling* oh you are just trying to make me blush, i love you so much
*nods smiling and gently kisses your lips*
*kisses you deeply as i rub my fingers through your hair* mmm
*laughs and straddles your lap* i’ve actually been thinking of you all day, i kind of had to play with myself a bit today
*giggles and nods* i did, and i even came *kisses your lips gently* i’ve quite literally waited all night and day for you
the gym ones and the dress shirt ones *bites my lip watching you* and they thought of our previous times making love
maybe a little *smiles looking into your eyes* maybe more than a little
*gasps gently as i feel your rock solid bulge press against me* oh my goodness *reaches down and gently rubs you* you must really need relief?
*smirks and watches down at your hips grinding upward on me and takes off my shirt*
*tosses my bra to the side and kisses you deeply as i grind against your length*
*gently rubs my nxpple as they start to get hard while kissing you deeply*
*breathes a bit heavier and moans slightly once you touch me* mmm fxckk
d-daddy *moans as i tilt my head back* t-that feels so good *reaches down and wraps my hand around your length*
*bites my lip and pumps my hand up and down slowly before rubbing my thumb on your tip* mm i can tell
*bites my lip and nods as i scoot back on your lap* i’ll take care of you baby, don’t worry *continues using my hand as i kiss your tip keeping eye contact with you*
mhmm *sxcks gently on your top while moving my hand to you balls and massages them gently all while keeping eye contact*
*squeezes your balls as i continue sxcking, fitting more of you in my mouth*
*fits you all inside my mouth gagging a little continuously massaging your balls* mmm
*deep throats your dxck and bobs my head a bit squeezing tighter*
*nods gently and goes back to bobbing my lead and sxcking on you*
*gently pulls away shaking my head* it’s my fault, i’m sorry *wraps my hand around you again pumping*
*blushes gently and nods turning around for you* mm i love the way you taste
*spreads my legs a bit after shaking from excitement and watches down at you* you’re so sexy, i love when you get more dominant with me
*smiles gently and nods* during sxx, it turns me on