wearing a school uniform in public is truly a humiliating and difficult experience oh geez 
i also really hate standardized tests?? we took one today in school and they're very stressful 
can't save myself / as it is


wearing a school uniform in public is truly a humiliating and difficult experience oh geez i also really hate standardized tests?? we took one today in school and they're very stressful can't save myself / as it is

41 0
ugh standardized tests are the worst
yES exaCTLY and ooooo that sounds awesoME
(re) the paddy comes from the Irish spelling "pádraig"
hahaha niceee
i’m gonna go through all ur posts and add all the songs to a playlist and listen to it cuz i feel like i would like it hahahha don’t think i’m sta lki ng you cuz i’m n o t
that's cool y e ah