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⚡️⚡️⚡️ -e

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A woman from America, she was illegally arrested so she threatened to sue the police department, the coincidently 3 days later she had 'supposedly' committed suicide in her cell.
however none of the evidence adds up😒
that is NOT true. stop listening to news stations be with bias. TRUTH HAS NO AGENDA. also, why have you not mentioned the movie theater shooting, Chattanooga shooting, or Kate Steinle? you liberals are a sad bunch of people. all lives matter.
secondly. the fact your calling me sad is ridiculous and rude, I am co-owning possible THE most positive acc on piccollage so don't give me that rubbish. and lastly do I really need to explain why it's black lives matter instead of all lives matter, I really didn't think you would have been that stupid?
Your account actually depresses me, but that discussion is for another day. Slavery is a thing of the past, blacks have the same rights as everyone else. I think it's fantastic, too, as I believe slavery and segregation are wrong.
Oh god, my acc depresses you? Please do expand on that? Also just because black people have equal rights to white people it doesn't mean there isn't still internalised racism going about hence the dozens of mass shootings and police brutality that most often happen to black people.
Because I'm offended by stupidity and I disagree with everything on it. That doesn't mean I want you to take it down though, as these are your opinions and you are free to have them. Actually, there are just as many black on white crimes as white on black, but the mass media just likes to focus on the latter because they are OBSESSED with race. To me, it doesn't matter what color you are, as long as you are decent and kind, you are OK in my eyes. Just because I dislike someone that is a different race than mine does not mean I hate the entire race. I would never do that as God commands us to love everyone.
That's all I have to say about it. I'm not arguing anymore.
offended by my stupidity... really? Are you sure, I didn't think that white people were being mass murdered by racist idiots? You certainly can't deny the police brutality that is primarily happening to black people, and the governments attempts to 'cover' it up.