Niall:-sings loudly- WHEN YOUR READY COME ON GET IT


Niall:-sings loudly- WHEN YOUR READY COME ON GET IT

10 1
OMG hi Niall
Niall: hi
hi *smiles*
Niall: what's your name
I'm Britt
Niall: well nice to meet you
nice to meet u too
sorry I'm an awkward person *laughs lightly* I just love u and Harry and the rest of the band. u guys r my home and lock screen so ya 😂🙈 sorry for being awkward
Niall: awkward can be good -laughs-
*smiles and looks down* ya I guess
Niall:-chuckles- so what's up
*smiles* just dancing in the rain how bout u?
Niall: just with Haz
cool 😊 sounds fun