Me and CuteChibiGirl chat page! No snooping!


Me and CuteChibiGirl chat page! No snooping!

19 4
I was thinking that we could do a quote
my fingers slipped, oops
you look for different quotes, and I'll look for pictures, I was thinking for it to be like a beach theme, also maybe a little relaxing and inspiring
I'll look for pictures now.
or it could also be about your looks, I'm looking for pictures of that too now
I like the beach theme but I think it's a little too similar to my previous collab. maybe just like out doors-y theme?
I like the quote "wake up, your alive" do u? if u do than can u find like a nature type pic to go with it?
I'll brb hold on
I think the girly pics are cute but they don't really match the quote maybe find some more just tumblr themed pics.
alright I guess that good
Stop snooping!!!!
I'll find some more pics later today if that's fine with u
btw I love the quote that you chose
I'll find pics that go along with it!
but later cause I'm a little busy right now, but soon I'll be free
oh ok!
so it's actually been a long time
so where were we? u were finding pics for the quote, right?