


16 14
dude it's ok - L
Leo I can't let go that easy - C
Charlie you'll be ok - L
I can let go of Aaron and Hazel what makes you think I can let go of her - C
Jade he thinks she let him go - L
idk I'm trying to make him sing to feel better but that's not working - L
I can't I've tried everything even Nutella and that didn't work their is something really wrong - L
Leo what's wrong with c?!?!
idk he just sad
Hannah is.... this is Jason....she locked herself in her room and won't talk to anyone
I don't know..... she said she doesn't want to talk to anyone....but I think she's hurting herself 😞
tell her to stop plz
she doesn't listen to me
it's going to help trust me
I got Hannah to get on.... hopefully her friends make her feel better
they will and I'll help
What's Wrong?~Mel
nothing anymore 😊
Yay Happy Charlie! *Giggles*
*smiles* have you met my twin
*Shakes Head*Neva
well would you like too
ok this is my twin sister Cattie - Charlie
Hi Cattie..I'm Mel!