Blue roses


Blue roses

48 11
the first one is more natural but I like the one beneath it because of the way it looks
really growing in your garden! wow! ours just grow wild, we live on a farm so
we live right across goths highway from a stables, we haven’t gone to ride yet but that’s because of bad weather
it’s literally 5 degrees outside
aw I wish we did! we only own 2 heifers, 4 goats, and 10 chickens
I love horses they are my favorite animal
wow that’s a big farm, we only just started fixing ours up, we are doing a favor to the owner of the house by being here, that’s how bad it is
we had to fix up the barn cut weeds that are taller then me! and I’m 5’9”
we also had to fix up the yard which took all fall last year
lol jelly, anywho what your favorite animal on the farm
also do you want an icon, I specialize in making them
my cat Chi, I got him for my birthday
ok what do you want on your icon?
like horses, color scheme, stickers?
or both?
um all? I love blue roses tho they r so pretty
how do you like it?
The ones on the right, but they’re all pretty. 🌹
the first one is so awesome
top right
I prefer the top left
top right
I ❤️ all of them