1) I'm probably signin off for today
2) today we learned about plant sêx in school
3) yesterday, a boy in 7th grade dressed as little red riding hood and everyone was in love
4) I still love cheese. Never forget that


1) I'm probably signin off for today 2) today we learned about plant sêx in school 3) yesterday, a boy in 7th grade dressed as little red riding hood and everyone was in love 4) I still love cheese. Never forget that

36 1
I love cheese too fam
-_- ily2 (cheese is da bomb.com)
Jesus crust
yeah it's an inside joke
I actually like it when it's burnt whøøps
the crust is the end, it's sort of like the end of life. not everyone always likes it or wants it and it's not always nice and happy but we need it to be finished and move on to other things
and you can always cut the ends off before putting bread in the toaster
lol you're welcome d00d
what is plant S.ez
sorry my phone won't let me say it x
I shall cut thy crust
oh okey thanks fren