Nobody ever reads it


Nobody ever reads it

44 0
"right now your hands are tied and you have trouble yelling for help" i loved that line
your poetry is beautiful, personally i love it ❤️
Every line of this is just so exemplary.❤️👏
god, this is awesome 👏🏻💕
woah, this is amazing! gosh, my poetry compared to this is absolutely garbage 😂
I love reading your poetry it's always so beautiful ✨
i'm sorry that you feel that way. i can relate though because it's true. people on pc only care if you post the trends or are on top of the popular page. i've seen small accs that have amazing edits and other interesting stuff but no one notices them or there edits until a big acc does, which sucks. i personally stopped posting and just come on once in while and only if i'm feeling inspired. i just kinda gave up on this app, i don't have the time to make edits and when i do i post them because i have nowhere else to post them. anyways you are one of my favorite accs and i think you should post what you want. you write beautiful poetry and your edits are unique, you have your own styles and stuff. don't be afraid to do what makes you happy.
^ i feel like i wrote an essay wowie
i never saw this in my feed untill now, but you are an AMAZING poet. its just so elegant and beautiful and you just have a great way with words🎈💚
this is beautiful❤️❤️❤️