Collage by stxners2


10 1
is this necessary ?
you can literally get with any fxcking girl , why you have to hurt me
i’ll do anything tanner , just stop. we can’t be together
now i’m gonna be gonna be a single mom and pregnant . i hate you
i hate you so much , don’t say you care about me. i’d never date your ugly self 😭
you were going too!!
he’s not even fxcking talking to me!! i hate you *runs upstairs crying*
i’ll never be yours . NEVER
fine , i’ll tell him the truth but i’m leaving after
your making me look bad
you don’t want me to be happy or you wouldn’t treat me like shii
and you wonder why i picked sam
okay i’m sorry .. i’ll just leave this app
we’ve fxcked once
he’s not gay stop !! 😭
tanner i can’t take to you .. my relationship is already fxcking ruined
he hates me , he won’t talk to me
he answered when i told him
he’s gonna leave me
you’d be happy
you’d finally have me *looks away crying
*walks upstairs* you fxcked me! you almost got me pregnant!! and now you don’t even want me ??
i’m leaving , bye
i said that , stop 🙄
i told him . and now i’m leaving
i had to be honest with him , plus you don’t love him so what’s the point
love me*
he doesn’t even want his kids 😭
i’m killing myself
bye tan
why do you care?? you don’t love me , and neither does Sam! He don’t even want his kids , i’m killing myself fr this time
why stay??
stop what tanner
i am , don’t act like you care
how? why? when?
all you want is to get in Madison’s pants!!
fxck you
no you don’t , stop putting on an act
you ruined my relationship, you lead me on!! you made me think you cared , i cheated on sam for you!! sam is the love of my life and i trusted you enough to cheat on him , god i fxcking hate you😭
yeah so i’d give you pxxsy and head
we both know it is . you admitted it to my sister , i don’t turn you on and you don’t love me . goodbye
mhm mk . bye
last comment.
✌🏽 bye
have fun blowing up my phone bc i won’t answer i’m gone
lilian’s gone
maybe you shouldn’t of played games
you didn’t show her you wanted her!! you told her sister you didn’t love or want her. that’s wrong and it turned lilian off and away
you literally said you didn’t love her
her and sam had a real relationship, you just wanted pxxsy
*shrugs* she didn’t feel wanted
do you want me to try and get her or you into someone else now 🙄
then she ain’t coming back
what do you want.
tell me *looks at you with red eyes*
thanks ig
i’m sorry
if you like mads then go for it ..😭
i mean you don’t love me so idc
sorry? what do you want me to say
mads sent you my nudes and you didn’t find them attractive. i don’t know what more you want from me tanner
a baby? to die? to leave you alone? to be yours?
tanner you mean a lot to me , and yes i love you but sam comes first
sam left me , he doesn’t love me . can we just spend time together please and see if there’s something there..
bc you love my sister . admit it tanner , you say you me but you don’t
ok .. i’m gonna take a shower *cries shivering*
*cries in the shower*
grow up. you’d get one for my sister or any other girls
your a dxck . i can’t believe i let you ruin what me and sam had
go to fxcking hxll
hi I’m Katy
oh thank you
what’s up
oh cool ima go. ya’ll only tlak to one dayum account so.. bye ig
hey - mads
comment on my bio.
why can’t we talk? you said you wanted to be friends
tanner what’s your problem
here’s your daughter. I just had her bye -Luna
🙄whatever I’m killing myself. 🙄🙄
ugly .
ugh i can’t even say your ugly , your fxcking sexy
dayummm! 🥵