Another collabe with neko_nyan!!!!


Another collabe with neko_nyan!!!!

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You guys always do beautiful collabs together!
thank you! our styles mix well so it often comes out very good!
Haiiiii Freind!
hey there! how ya' doin'?
Can I use some of your covers for my books? it's so beautiful! ^ω^
yes!!! absolutely! let me know what they are called and what your watt pad name is so I can follow you and read them!
Okay sure! my usernme in wattpad is " heartyhat109 " it's still the same from my username here. I'll literally use your collages cause, it's cool!
awesome! I'll follow you!
follow me ( Dexuanma ) or my sis (muiscfun the one on top)
of me
are u following me or sis? can u follow me and sis I beg u.
please follow me or sis,please!