I'm so happy she's safe. She means the world to me.


I'm so happy she's safe. She means the world to me.

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I'm so glad she's safe and I hope ur dog is too 🙏🏻 Excited for the new theme 👌🏼
Aww thanks!💓 I'm glad ur dog is safe too! 👍🏻
you can enter as much as u want
Aww thx again! 💖 so r u! 😍
I'm happy your dog and sister are ok. I agree you should be thankful. I hope you and your family and dog are safe for your whole life.
your welcome
Thank you I'm glad your sister and dog are okay my dog is awful for doing that as soon as the postmans about yeah I might do a contest or maybe I'll ask people to write in about any fashion advice they might want
I'm so glad that your sister is ok! Hope your dog is too! I hope they don't run away again....😌🙏🏻